Friday, December 31, 2004

To resolve or not to resolve

That is the question. Whether it is better to make resolutions knowing I will not keep them or start the new year with that wonderful sense of beginning over with a clean slate (which may even last a whole day or two). Whatever works out, I definately do plan to enjoy the weekend before having to get into the routine again on Monday.

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Slacker on Board!

OK, OK, so I've lost consciousness for more then a month. Don't buy that? How about I've been vacationing in Thailand? Had a tour of duty with the Army? Been busy recounting votes for Washington's govenor (whoever that may be)? Writing up a review for the book club? (Ha!) Nothing so dramatic. Just caught up in the usual Thanksgiving/Christmas rush of materialistic free-for-all: buying, addressing, stamping, wrapping, chowing-down, present exchanging, carol singing, partying, good-will-to-men extravaganza called the holidays. A great time was had by all. Now it's a typical bleak, cold Tri-Cities winter day and reality is starding to descend. Darn it all! Note to self: New Year's Resolution: Be a Better Blogger!