Sunday, May 13, 2007

Hey, I'm back - after all these many months. I'm not sure how the blog fell off the end of the earth for me. Suffice to say it just did. I have no excuses to offer. But I return with a great website,, in which one can donate to teachers in various areas of the U.S. to help their classrooms. Teachers submit their proposals and the donorschoose organization makes sure it is all legit. If you finish funding a project, or donate more then $100, the class will even send thank you notes and photos. I chose to finish a project in Long Beach, MS, in a 4th grade classroom that had been destroyed by Hurricane Katrina. 57% of the students are low income. All the teacher requested to "make our reading corner dream come true", was funding for a carpet, four bean bag chairs and a magazine rack. Many of the students are living in FEMA trailers and the school is holding class in double wide trailers. After my two relief trips to Louisiana last year, I just couldn't resist this project. So, Happy Mothers Day to all the moms out there, and check out this site to do the kids of a lot of other moms some good!