Sunday, October 24, 2004

Goodbye to the Pleagle on the Tadpole

Last weekend at Camp Garvin, the boys were busy piloting the dirt bike and the quad around when one stated he wanted to go "to the tadpole". After a few blank looks and a few questions (You want to go where??), we figured out he meant the totem pole, that unusual landmark that welcomes all to the development. After a bit, they returned with the news that the plane on top of the pole was also part eagle. (A combination of the state's Indian and aeronautic history, perhaps?) It was promptly nicknamed "the Pleagle." So, it's with sad hearts that we bid goodbye to the pleagle yesterday. With nightly temperatures getting down towards freezing, it was time to close up camp for the winter. It was a day of drizzle with short periods of sunshine. In damp sweatshirts and wet gloves, tracking fallen leaves, we went about our chores, daydreaming of pumpkins, Thanksgiving at Cannon Beach and Christmas. When will we see the pleagle again? Perhaps for a day in the winter when snow is all around? If not, well, spring break isn't that far away...

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

You know you've been driving too many hours if..

You stop at Sun Mart because the espresso stand is closed and you tell the clerk the coffee tastes as good as Starbucks and is a lot cheaper......

For miles you follow a sports care going 80 with "I see slow people" and a radioactive sign painted on the back of it...and then pass him 'cause he's going too slow. (Needless to say, it is no big surprise when he gets off in Richland.)....

You start calling the driver in front of you "the Bozo in the Benz" because the outline of his balding head looks like a silhouette of the famous clown...

You actually see the shocked expression on the driver next to you as his left rear window explodes into glass fragments. No telling what hit it....

You pass numerous cop cars and don't even bother to slow down...

On the one hand, you start calling every slow driver in the left lane "a little old lady", but on the other hand, you fear that some day you will be among that number....

Monday, October 11, 2004

The worst sound ever......

Stopped at Ray's Golden Lion for Mongolian BBQ dinner the other day, and in the process was subjected to absolutely what must be the most torturous sound on the face of the Earth. What could possibly assault the ears in such a manner, you say??? That would be the sounds emanating from the bar. That's right friends, it was Karaoke Night!!!!! Now I realize that this fad has probably long ago passed on in the civilized world, and a good thing that is, too. Here in the boonies though, it apparently still has some life left. Mercifully, I've blocked from my mind most of what I heard, but I do remember some Country and some Rolling Stones. Now anyone who thinks he's Mick Jagger has to be certifiably insane, but Mick Jagger after 2-3 hours of drinking???? Oh my aching head! It can best be described as cats fighting interspersed with periods of humming. We were laughing so hard, we couldn't even chew! Luckily, we were almost done with dinner when it all started and were soon able to hightail it out of there....