Goodbye to the Pleagle on the Tadpole
Last weekend at Camp Garvin, the boys were busy piloting the dirt bike and the quad around when one stated he wanted to go "to the tadpole". After a few blank looks and a few questions (You want to go where??), we figured out he meant the totem pole, that unusual landmark that welcomes all to the development. After a bit, they returned with the news that the plane on top of the pole was also part eagle. (A combination of the state's Indian and aeronautic history, perhaps?) It was promptly nicknamed "the Pleagle." So, it's with sad hearts that we bid goodbye to the pleagle yesterday. With nightly temperatures getting down towards freezing, it was time to close up camp for the winter. It was a day of drizzle with short periods of sunshine. In damp sweatshirts and wet gloves, tracking fallen leaves, we went about our chores, daydreaming of pumpkins, Thanksgiving at Cannon Beach and Christmas. When will we see the pleagle again? Perhaps for a day in the winter when snow is all around? If not, well, spring break isn't that far away...